On September 1, 2023, the Child and Adult Protection Authority (KESB) in Basel celebrated the 10th anniversary of child and adult protection law with an inspiring party at the Biozentrum Basel. Around 40 organizations presented their work and invited visitors to interactive activities.

In a World Café format, the important topic of "foster care" was discussed in more detail to create a deeper understanding of this significant issue. At the familea information booth, all those interested had the opportunity to gain a comprehensive insight into the wide range of services on offer. familea provided information about children's and foster homes, the Center for Foster Children and Women's Counseling, and held a quiz on the topic of "everyday life in the home", with magenta muffins as the main prize.

This anniversary underlines the importance of protecting and supporting children and adults. We would like to thank the KESB and all the organizations involved for their valuable work and look forward to further cooperation.

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