Reconciling family and career, equal opportunities and integration. Since 1901. 

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"Close to life and professional" - our mission

familea is a socially responsible association with a tradition of over 120 years in the Basel region. Reconciliation of family and career, equal opportunities and integration form our guiding principles for the design of support.

With around 700 employees - over 180 of whom are trainees and students - we are a recognized and important specialist and training institution in the social sector.

Our childcare services provide parents with important relief in their daily educational routine and offer children and adolescents a safe place for healthy development.

"On the pulse of time" - our offer

Today, our services include over 40 daycare centers with around 1900 places, the Lindenberg children's home and three decentralized residential groups, the Im Vogelsang transit home, women's counseling and the foster children's center.

"Committed to the future" - our vision

"Fine mesh - strong net" - our story

familea was founded in 1901 as the "Basler Frauenverein" (Basel Women's Association) to support women and especially unmarried mothers who were economically, socially and legally disadvantaged. Unmarried mothers found it difficult to find work and good care for their child.

As early as 1903, the Women's Association opened the refuge for women and daughters in need, founded the welfare commission for young boarders, the youth welfare organization and the service daughters' association (1904), the Lindenberg children's home (1906), which still exists today, the women's welfare and legal protection branch (1907), the first day care center for children in Switzerland and the arrangement of people's or workers' gardens (1909), the workers' wreaths (1910), an employment agency for hourly women, laundresses and seamstresses, a home work agency and a home work sale.

"A lived familea culture" - our values


As management, our commitment is to the values of familea, namely work-life balance, equal opportunities and integration. We are committed to the well-being of children, young people, women and families out of conviction. In the same way, this commitment at the operational management level is directed at our more than 700 employees. They are the driving force behind familea's professionalism and flexibility.

Monika Bitterli
jaqueline baumgartner
Jacqueline Baumgartner
Personnel & Development
familea aron reichenbach
Aron Reichenbach
familea pradeepaanton
Pradeepa Anton
Marketing & Communication
familea sabine zimmermann
Sabine Zimmermann
Finance, Administration, IT


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Ilker Basol
Accounting clerk
giovanna b
Giovanna Bieri
HR Administration
r5015562 familea mikkabonaventura quad
Mikka Bonaventura
IT and administration clerk
alois b
Alois Brown
Division Management
Anja bus
HR Administration
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Philipp Buser
Finances + Controlling
monica e
Monica Elmayan-Mantelli
pascale friedli
Pascale Friedli
Assistance and Projects Admin
marianne h
Marianne Habegger
Division Management
nadine h
Nadine Hebeisen
christian h
Christian Hohl
Accounting management
leon hoppe
Leon Hoppe
Marketing & Events
christine i
Christine Imoberdorf
Division Management
sarah frey
Sarah Imonopi
Assistant Head of Daycare
viktor kempinski
Viktor Kempinski
Marketing and communication
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Marcel Keyerleber
Head of Facility Management
tamara kohler
Tamara Kohler
Assistance management
daniel k
Daniel Kohler
matthias liebig
Matthias Liebig
Specialist responsibility for ICT
Sonja Looser-Müller
Specialist responsibility HR Administration
elvir m
Elvir Mahic
Maintenance and repair management
claudia meyer
Claudia Meyer
Consulting and administration
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Nicole Müller
Division Management
ruth s
Ruth Ozeri
Vocational training
martina pangracova
Martina Pangracova
carol p
Carol Provenzano
Head of vocational training
Charlotte Sprüngli-Christensen
Placement Office
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Dominique Spörri
HR Administration
andreas s
Andreas Stadelmann
Catering management
rachid taksoui
Rachid Taksaoui
ismet twerenbold
Ismet Twerenbold
Facility Management
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Mirella Unfer-Nenz
barbara w
Barbara Walser
r5015580 familea sarahwohlgemuth quad
Sarah Wohlgemuth
Administration clerk
r5015532 familea jeanninezuber quad
Jeannine Zuber
HR Administration


1.1 003 organization chart familea 250101

Board of Directors

With commitment and teamwork for familea. Every day, more than 700 employees in the children's and youth homes, in daycare centers, in the Center for Foster Children Northwestern Switzerland and in women's counseling are committed to the needs of women, children and families. As the board of familea, we see it as our duty to ensure the success of our association and the quality of our services through clear strategic management and to set the course for a sustainable future through effective decisions.

sibylle schuerch

Sibylle Schürch President

claudia morselli

Claudia Morselli Vice President

corinna b

Corinna Brunetti-Flum

david klein web

David Klein

Heinrich Degelo familea

Heinrich Degelo

martina polek

Martina Polek

yvonne pieles

Yvonne Pieles


vocational training week

familea at the Vocational Training Week 2025

From May 5 to 10, 2025, the Basel region will be all about vocational training - and familea will be there!
featured image famnet fb fossil boutique

Women's Day - a sign of appreciation for women in our advisory services

To mark Women's Day on March 8, we are joining forces with Fossil Basel to show our support and appreciation.
thank you at fossil (1)

A warm welcome at Fossil - A special thank you

On February 11, the children from the Im Vogelsang transit home were invited to the Fossil office on Riehenring.
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