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Inpatient offers

The centralized and decentralized residential groups supplement parental education. Children and adolescents from 5 to 18 years of age are cared for and supported here by socio-educational staff. The parents are relieved and strengthened in their educational responsibility through close cooperation. The support and care process is based on the pedagogical concept, supports the children and adolescents in their development and is transparently documented. The objectives and necessity of the stay are constantly reviewed with those involved. We attach great importance to the cooperation with the family of origin and the involved specialists.

Mission and goal

In our residential groups, we offer children and adolescents a temporary place to live when living at home is not possible due to challenging life situations in the family. In a family setting, we value a respectful and appreciative atmosphere and accompany and support the children and adolescents individually in their everyday lives.

We support them in the development of a healthy personality and towards a self-determined, independent and active member of society. We recognize and encourage the child in his personality, perception and rights and offer him a safe place where physical and mental health is taken care of. At the same time, social and practical life skills as well as self-competence are strengthened and promoted.

Our goal is to provide all children and adolescents with a great deal of stability and peace during their stay and, whenever possible, to prepare them well for a return to family or independence.

The cooperation with the parents and guardians and other involved professionals is very important to us. We are guided by a system-oriented approach and assume that changes in the system have an impact on everyone involved. Therefore, we ensure a regular exchange with all parties involved and find the best possible solutions for the children and adolescents.

Our work is based on our pedagogical concept, which is oriented towards the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as well as the quality standards of Quality4Children.


Inpatient care for children and adolescents in 7 residential groups by socio-educational staff 365 days a year around the clock
24h emergency admissions for children residing in BS
Follow-up support if required and mutually agreed upon

Target group

Children and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 18 are admitted on socio-educational grounds,

who, due to their current situation, need a stationary residential offer with socio-pedagogical support
regularly attend an external day structure (kindergarten, school, training)
bring the willingness to engage with the offer

Remaining in the residential group beyond the age of 18 is possible, in agreement with the adolescent, as long as there is a necessity or need and funding is guaranteed.

Our offer is medium to long-term and the length of stay is usually at least one year. Shorter stays and emergency placements must be considered individually.


Our services are not designed for children and adolescents who require specialized care due to the following issues:

strong physical impairment
severe mental impairment
severe mental impairment
acute suicidal tendencies or massive self-injury
strong dependence or addiction


Liaison service UPK Our socio-pedagogical processes are accompanied by a child and adolescent psychiatric liaison service of the University Psychiatric Clinics Basel.
Basel region addiction support There is a cooperation agreement with Basel region addiction support, which regulates the procedures and cooperation in the event of problematic consumption.
Youth and prevention police In the event of children and young people breaking the law, we work closely with the youth and prevention police and seek advice on how to proceed.


After leaving the residential group, we offer regular, outpatient socio-pedagogical support for the children or adolescents and thus accompany the transition to the family or the individual follow-up solution in the best possible way. The goal is to gently and consciously shape the transition into the new living situation and to be able to offer assistance where it is still necessary.

Emergency accommodation

We offer emergency accommodation for children and adolescents from the canton of Basel City for a maximum of 4 days and 3 nights. The children and adolescents find a safe place where they can find peace for the time being and a follow-up solution is sought in consultation with the responsible social workers.


Requests by an authority are possible at any time and will be processed by us as quickly as possible.

Our admission procedure serves the careful examination of the indication / order and clarifies whether the need for care corresponds to our offer.


Written indication of the authority
Initial interview with the child/adolescent, guardian and representative of the authority
Inspection of existing clarification reports and reports from previous institutions
Individual arrangement about a trial stay

If an agreement on a placement can be reached, the assignment and the common objectives for the assignment are agreed upon in an entry interview and recorded in a care agreement. The assignment and the objectives are reviewed every six months in a site meeting.

The pedagogical concept serves as the basis for our work.

Free seats


Please contact us for information about the status of free places. We are happy to provide information at any time.

cyrill jenni

Cyrill Jenni

Co-Management Inpatient Living
061 260 86 67

Inpatient living at a glance


  • Inpatient care for children and adolescents in 7 residential groups by socio-educational staff 365 days a year around the clock
  • 24h emergency admissions for children residing in BS
  • Follow-up support if required and mutually agreed upon


The four different locations make it possible to offer children and young people a place to live that meets their needs:

  • Children's home Lindenberg (school group 5-16 years and youth group 14-18 years, 32 places)
  • WG Hirzbrunnen (5-16 years, 8 places)
  • WG Missionsstrasse (5-16 years, 8 places)
  • WG Oberwilerstrasse (14-18 years, 8 places)

Target group

Children and adolescents, m/f, aged 5 - 18 years with socio-educational indication,

  • who, due to their current situation, need a stationary residential offer with socio-pedagogical support,
  • regularly attend an external day structure (kindergarten, school, training) and
  • bring the willingness to engage with the offer
  • Children and adolescents who require specialized care due to severe physical, psychological or mental impairments, severe self-aggressive or aggressive behavior towards others, acute suicidal tendencies or acute addiction are not admitted.

Placement reasons

  • Educational support needs
  • Lack of or insufficient support
  • Termination of an already existing measure
  • Transition and preparation for a further measure

Formal placement basis

  • At the request of the legal guardian(s) with official indication
  • Civil measures (ZGB)
  • Criminal measure (JStGB)

Who can assign?

  • Recognized cantonal and communal specialized agencies
  • Child and adult protection authority KESB


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