familea secures childcare and jobs - Familycare daycare centers go into the hands of familea

From January 1, 2025, familea will continue to run the Familycare Basel daycare centers. Jobs and daycare places will be retained, while the high quality of care and educational services will be guaranteed. familea is looking forward to continuing its services for families and the reconciliation of family and career.

As of January 1, 2025, familea will take over the daycare centers from Familycare Basel. This decision was made for economic reasons. Not only will the existing daycare places be retained, but the jobs of the employees will also be secured. At the same time, the high quality of care for which both organizations are known will continue to be guaranteed.

familea and Familycare have a long-standing partnership that has been intensified in recent years. Both organizations share a commitment to high-quality childcare and education. In addition to continuing the locations, familea will also fully integrate Familycare's other services.

familea is delighted to be taking this step together with Familycare Basel and to be continuing its services for families and the reconciliation of family and career.

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