For aftercare

With the Care Leaver voucher, you receive 30 hours of support or advice from a specialist at the Familea Center for Foster Children.

Voucher aftercare for care leavers

You have received the Care Leaver voucher because you have successfully managed to leave a care home or foster family in the canton of Basel-Stadt. We know that independent living can sometimes be challenging. That is why we would like to offer you support from a specialist.

With the Care Leaver voucher, you will receive 30 hours of support or advice from a specialist at the Familea Center for Foster Children. We will advise you individually on your concerns or support you in finding a suitable contact point.

The support or advice is free of charge for you. We hope that this will be another valuable support on your journey.

Important: The voucher is valid for three years after you move out of a home or foster family.

We wish you all the best and are happy to be there for you!

You can find more information and a detailed information sheet on the Care Leaver vouchers here:


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