For assigning bodies
We currently only accept placement requests from referring specialized agencies from Basel-Stadt and Baselland.
All of our employees with degrees in social pedagogy or comparable and several years of professional experience accompany more than 200 selected, trained foster families in Northwestern Switzerland who are recognized by the cantonal specialized agencies.Â
Our pool of available placements in foster families is regularly updated and, due to a large variety of families, enables us to provide a targeted and professionally justified fit when placement requests are made.
You will receive anonymized portraits of the foster family in order to involve the parents of the foster child in the decision-making process before a concrete get-to-know meeting is arranged. We coordinate the placement process incl. get-to-know meeting until the concrete entry of a foster child.
If immediate crisis intervention is indicated, you will receive the contact details of a free foster family so that you can directly enter the foster family. We also advise referring specialists on the question of whether placement in a foster family or in an inpatient facility is indicated.

Tatjana Lübcke
Head office +41 61 260 83 80
Placement forms
Fact sheet for specialized agencies Basel-Stadt
- Search and training of foster families
- Selection and pre-selection of foster families according to the individual case topic
- Design of getting to know each other and entry process
- Continuous monitoring of the care relationship according to the accompanying level
- Support during transitions and in coping with crises
- Careful design of entry, transition and exit processes
Target groups
- Children and teenagers
- Assigning specialized agencies
- Foster families
Limits of the recording
Acute suicidal tendencies, danger to others or to oneself, and/or addiction of the child or adolescent.
Placement duration
Temporary or permanent depending on the case topic
Placement types
- Permanent placement
- Weekly placement
- Weekend and vacation placement
- Short-term placement and crisis intervention
Who can assign
Recognized specialized bodies, which provide indications in the sense of
Para. 1 lit. B of the foster family ordinance of the canton of
Basel-Stadt can provide:
- the child and adult protection authority (KESB)
- the children and youth service
- the Juvenile Prosecutor's Office
- the psycho-social services of the cantonal police
Fact sheet for specialist units Baselland
- Search and acquisition of foster families
- Suitability assessment of foster families
- Support for foster families in the approval process
- Selection and pre-selection of foster families according to individual case issues
- Education and training of foster families
- Networking of foster families through partially moderated intervision groups
- Designing the process of getting to know each other and entering the company
- Continuous monitoring of the foster care relationship
- Support during transitions and in coping with crises
- Child-friendly design of entry, transition and exit processes
- Placement of the foster family, fit relationship, clarification of the assignment, accompaniment of the entry process, clarification of roles and tasks
- Coaching and support for the care relationship through home visits and telephone calls - in everyday life and in the event of challenges, triage if necessary
- Journal keeping, ensuring information flows, participating in site meetings.
- Preparation and accompaniment of the familiarization and entry phase, as well as the return placement/preparation for independence
Target group
- Children and adolescents with socio-educational indication
- Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers (UMA)
Limits of the recording
Acute suicidal tendencies, danger to others and self and/or addictive disease of the child or adolescent
Placement duration
Depending on the case issue, temporary (short-term placement) or permanent (long-term placement).
Placement forms
- Permanent placement (7 days per week)
- Weekly placement (Monday to Friday)
- Weekend and vacation placement
- Short-term placements and crisis interventions
Who can assign
Authorized bodies for indication are, according to § 25 of the
Ordinance on child and youth welfare of the canton
- the social services of the municipalities
- the child protection authorities (KESB)
- the counseling center of the Mosaic Foundation
- the social counseling of the Birmann Foundation
- child and adolescent psychiatry in case of a child and adolescent psychiatric indication