As the leading daycare provider in the greater Basel area, familea defines its responsibility towards the children and employees entrusted to its care as its top priority. Quality assurance and development are at the heart of everything we do. Our aim is to always offer the children in our daycare centers the best possible development environment based on the latest findings and research results.

In order to live up to this claim, we continuously invest in the further training of our team. We are convinced that regular training and further education make a significant contribution to quality assurance in our daycare centers. From 2024, we will therefore be introducing two fixed in-house training days per year to ensure that our teams are always up to date with the latest pedagogical developments.

Our daycare centers will remain closed on these days so that our employees can consciously and intensively deal with topics that will further advance their daily work.

Because only through continuous development can we ensure that the children are cared for in an environment that is characterized not only by warmth but also by professional competence.

On March 15, 2024, we had the opportunity to take part in a training day as a whole team. Together with around 400 professionals from all familea childcare centers, we gathered in the foyer of Theater Basel to listen to a specialist lecture on the topic of "Early language education" by Annika Butters from the Marie Meierhofer Institute in Zurich.

The presentation highlighted the importance of early language education for children's development. Children need language not only to communicate in everyday life, but also for their later educational path. As a daycare provider, we therefore have a great responsibility and attach particular importance to providing the best possible support for our children's language development right from the start.

As caregivers, we play a crucial role in this. We therefore asked ourselves how we can best support children in acquiring language skills in their everyday lives. We are convinced that promoting language skills at an early age has a decisive influence on the future of our children.

The introduction of in-house training days is a further step on our path to continuously improving the quality of our childcare services. We are proud of the fact that we at familea never lose sight of our quality standards and want to use every opportunity to further develop our work. After all, our parents have the right to have their children cared for in a daycare center that is not only motivated and committed, but also highly professional.

In the video we give you a brief insight into our training day. You can also find more insights and stories on TikTok: Log in | TikTok

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