Thanks to the parcel drive of the association "eins vo fünf", the Women's Counseling Service is able to fulfill a Christmas wish for 40 children from modest backgrounds this year. Brio trains, Legos, toys, felt-tip pens, earpods, books and clothes were requested and provided and packed by unknown donors. Now the gifts are ready to be picked up just in time for Christmas at the Women's Counseling Center.

The Women's Counseling Service is extremely pleased to be able to participate in this campaign. It is good to see the gratitude in the faces of the mothers, who are relieved of the Christmas parcel pressure by these signs of sympathy. And we know that the children's eyes will also light up!

A big thank you goes to the board of "eins vo fünf", which works with a lot of commitment for more joy and participation in the lives of children affected by poverty.

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