Riehen daycare center

The familea Kita Riehen is situated in a quiet location between the border crossing to Grenzach and the Landauer leisure center. It offers 32 places in 3 groups for children aged 3 months to 6 years.

familea daycare center riehen

Riehen daycare center

The familea Kita Riehen is situated in a quiet location between the border crossing to Grenzach and the Landauer leisure center. It offers 32 places in 3 groups for children aged 3 months to 6 years.

The premises, which have been specially converted for use as a daycare center, are bright, friendly and generously furnished. The daycare center offers plenty of space for the children to feel comfortable and develop. A large courtyard shaded by old chestnut trees and a covered veranda invite children to linger around the large sandpit and the various play activities all year round.

The familea daycare center in Riehen was awarded both the "Burzelbaum-Kita" and the "Fourchette verte - Ama terra" label as part of the projects for more exercise and healthy eating.

As in all familea daycare centers, the entire Riehen team is committed to high-quality pedagogical values and is guided by the attitude and methodology of educational and learning stories (BULG).

3 months to 6 years
Childcare places
32 places in 3 groups
Connection to public transport
Bus 31, 34, 35, 42, 45 to the "Hörnli" stop
Way guidance to Kindergarten
Niederholz, A, Niederholz B, Niederholz C



Olivia Paul
Daycare management
Phone +41 61 260 87 50


Riehen daycare center
Hörnliallee 75
4125 Riehen

Opening hours

06:30 to 18:30
Company vacations: between Christmas and New Year and on public holidays


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