Kita Theodor - "Learning to live by playing".
The Kita Theodor is located in a charming old building. The group rooms are lovingly furnished and designed by the staff and according to the needs of the children. Two gardens invite to play and are actively used. The ball pool in the basement is also a constant source of joy for the children, both young and old. Through attentiveness and respectful and appreciative interaction, the children can feel comfortable and secure with us.
A dialogical basic attitude promotes the children's participation. We offer the children topics for participation, such as organizing the afternoon, designing a balanced menu plan, helping to organize a parents' evening, etc. We listen actively, recognize the children's individual competencies and encourage them, show interest and thus provide a trusting environment in which the children can develop into resilient and responsible personalities. Together with our cook, we offer the children balanced and tasty meals every day.
We regularly go on excursions. The parks and playgrounds in the surrounding area are visited as well as the zoo, museums or the forest. Creative activities, movement (we are Burzelbaum-certified), storytelling and singing also find their place in our daily routine. Free play, in which the children can develop freely, pursue their interests and inclinations and freely choose their play partners, is of great importance in our daycare center and has great significance for the development of social skills.
The education and learning stories (BULG), which form the basis of familea's pedagogical concept, are lived in our everyday life. Perceiving the children in their development, recognizing their resources and accompanying and supporting them accordingly in everyday life form the basis of our pedagogical work.